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Customer Help

If you can't find what you're looking for in the answers below, please get in contact with us directly!
How can we help?


How do I know if a product is right for me?

We pride ourselves on providing only the highest quality inflatables, we truly believe any inflatable will help boost your sales. With that said, we also know choosing your inventory is important. Check out our How to Start & Grow page for our formula on how to work through inventory purchases.

What is included with my purchase?

All inflatable purchases include the inflatable, air blower and stakes.

What happens after I make my purchase?

All orders will be sent in for manufacturing within 24 hours of payment. At which point it will take about 45-60 days to receive your new inflatable.

How will I know where my inflatable is?

Once you make your purchase you will receive notifications when the inflatable begins production, when the inflatable is fully produced and when the inflatable departs the factory for shipping.

What if there is an issue with the product once it arrives?

We are proud to offer a money back guarantee for the first 30 days following delivery of your inflatable. In some cases, photo evidence may be necessary before we can process your refund.

How long will it take to receive my refund?

All refunds are issued through our credit card processor and should appear back in your account in 2-10 business days.

More questions

Please head over to our contact form to drop us a message